"My daughter was experiencing anxiety...we decided to try chiropractic FIRST."

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✨ This incredible little lady found us stressed to the max, struggling with anxiety and overwhelm. She was getting multiple notes sent home from school and was sent to the principles office which this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Mom and dad knew they didn’t want to go the conventional medicine route, but wanted to look into the CAUSE of her anxiety and help get to the root of the problem. They decided chiropractic was the best place for them to start with McKayla, so they brought her in and got her scanned.

✨Since starting care, this beam of sunshine is herself again! She is sleeping much better, has better emotional regulation, way less anxiety and zero anger issues. She also has had absolutely no notes sent home from school!

✨This probably sounds familiar, and we all know a little girl or two that struggles with anxiety and overwhelm. Especially at this age, little ladies start feeling the pressure and stress of life at a social, emotional, and physical level. Chiropractic helps increase that adaptability so that growing and all of the development that comes along with this age is just easier! And so that kids can focus on being kids...and if you’re anything like McKayla, that includes constant pictures drawn for her chiropractors, endless smiles, and all the love for her little sister 💕

✨If your kiddo is struggling with the anxiety that comes along with growing up in this crazy world and you want to find out about us, give us a call or connect with us on our "contact" tab on our website! Let us know you a different way so your kiddos can SHINE!

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