Posts in Client Stories
Anxiety + ADHD + Mood Swings

"I knew since day one that something was wrong with him. I journaled about every food, every transition, every situation trying to find a pattern. We tried medication after medication. The doctors eventually just told me that the only option was Alexian brothers, a behavioral health facility. You guys were my last resort. We were lost. We felt isolated. We were desperate. And man am I glad we went for it- he's a completely different kid and we are forever grateful."

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Self Care for Momma!

This rockstar momma decided it was time to put herself first. She was struggling with incredible amounts of anxiety and panic attacks. Change in routine made her feel overwhelmed, she constantly felt “foggy”, disconnected, and fatigued- like she was just going through the motions. On top of that, she struggled with constant joint inflammation, headaches, and back and neck pain. Chiropractic has changed her life.

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Sensory Overload

When Annie first came to us, she was having meltdowns and crying fits constantly. Everything from a basic grocery store trip to a train ride down to the city was absolutely impossible because she would scream on the top of her lungs for hours at a time. Any time there was overstimulation or frustration of any kind it would end in a meltdown. After a few months of consistent, specific, neurological-based care, Annie’s family began to see glimpses of hope. The extreme highs and lows began to level out a bit- more good days than bad ones. Meltdowns became shorter, then disappeared.

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Stressed at School

49 is the number of days Nevaeh missed from school last year. She would wake up in the morning and be so overwhelmed and anxious to go to school that it would oftentimes result in tantrums, meltdowns, and calls to the school office that they would be late or not be there at all. After trying medication after medication, and therapist after therapist, they listened to a friend and took her to a pediatric chiropractor. 5 is the number of weeks Nevaeh has gone without missing ONE day of school this year so far! School refusal and tantrums are a thing of the past. Changes in schedule and routine are easy for her. Immunity is rocking- they haven't been to a doctor since they started!

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Failure to Thrive? Nah...

When this kiddo came to us at 7 weeks old, he was in the 0.03 percentile on the growth charts. He was boarder line “failure to thrive” and days from being hospitalized. He had colic, reflux, gas pains, was arched and stiff all the time, and cried constantly. Within a couple of weeks of care, this kid was a different baby. In fact, after his very FIRST adjustment, mom called us in tears because her baby finally slept for a 4 hour stretch! Something he had never done before. Mom and dad have continued to bring him and his sister to us for wellness care- calling us at the first sign of a sniffle or a rough night of sleep!

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Sick, Stressed, Stuck.

Back in January, we got to meet Koen. Back then, we didn't get to see this radiant and connected smile. We didn't get as much as a glance or even a word. He had so much social anxiety that being around people he didn't know, crippled him. He was so locked into a mode of fight or flight and protection that interacting with others, speaking to others, playing with others, was all nonexistent. It got to a point where mom knew she needed to get serious help for her son and the doctors were talking about a possible diagnosis of autism. Mom wasn't okay with this. She knew that her sweet boy was somewhere in there and he just needed to break out. She started speech and OT, and also decided she would take a swing in the dark at chiropractic care. To say this little guy is NOT stuck, struggling, or sick anymore is an understatement!! He is absolutely thriving.

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"My daughter was experiencing anxiety...we decided to try chiropractic FIRST."

This incredible little lady found us stressed to the max, struggling with anxiety and overwhelm. She was getting multiple notes sent home from school and was sent to the principles office which this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Mom and dad knew they didn’t want to go the conventional medicine route, but wanted to look into the CAUSE of her anxiety and help get to the root of the problem. They decided chiropractic was the best place for them to start with McKayla, so they brought her in and got her scanned. Since starting care, this beam of sunshine is herself again!

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"I just wanted to feel normal."

“I just wanted to feel normal.” In a world where academics, social pressures, friends, family, sports and extracurriculars put an incredible amount of stress on our kids to be more, do more, and give more- many just want to be able to feel “normal”. The part that sucks? Many don’t. Many feel overwhelmed, like they aren’t enough, like they don’t fit in, like they are too different. Those first few words here is what this amazing dude Ethan had to say when we asked him how he felt before they found us. He dreamt of just feeling normal. Mom, dad and Ethan talked and with a lot of teamwork, decided they would be all in to getting their kid back. They changed diet, added supplements, saw a counselor. They were also advised to add chiropractic care to their plan of attack. Well, Ethan just celebrated his 14th birthday and is THRIVING!

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